What: The committees, teams, officers, clubs, and active members play a crucial role in organizing the operations of Pörssi. They enable an even higher quality and more diverse offering for all Pörssi members. Now you have the opportunity to get more deeply involved...
Kauppakadun Appro Project TeamProject Manager: Aleksandra GukkinaRestaurant Coordinator: Tuomas SaarivainioCorporate Relations Coordinator: Lisa ElonenMarketing Coordinator: Jaakko VierolaHR and Customer Relations: Matleena RankiProgram Coordinator: Jesperi Moisala...
Do you want to promote equality and play an essential role in creating a safe and inclusive atmosphere for every member of Pörssi? What is it about? We are looking for one more equality representative to join Pörssi. The role of an equality representative primarily...
The divisions, also known as Allstars, play a crucial role in Pörssi’s activities. As part of the Allstars, you’ll gain an insider’s perspective on Pörssi’s operations while acquiring valuable skills and building friendships that may even extend beyond the boundaries...
The application period for the Poikkari Team is open from November 18th to December 1st. We are looking for four new members to join the Poikkari Team, responsible for organizing the largest monthly student parties in Jyväskylä. Poikkarit will be held eight times next...
Do you want to organize one of the most unforgettable parties in Jyväskylä and one of Finland’s largest student events? What is the Kauppakatu Appro Team? The Kauppakatu Appro Project Team, or “Kappro Team,” is responsible for planning and organizing...