


18:00 - 22:00

“Match made in heaven”-friend-sitz

It’s finally here! The first sitz of year will blow the roof up of Aalto hall when it is time to sitz with a friend!🤩💥 Tequila and lemon, Shrek and Fiona, Mario and princess Peach… What do these all have in common? Well, they are all a match made in heaven! 🤗🫧
“Match made in heaven”-friend-sitz will conquer the Aalto hall on 2.2. Take a friend with you and dress up as the match of the century. A member of Pörssi ry or not, your friend is warmly welcome to this party. This is a perfect opportunity to introduce your friend to the culture of sitzing – so do not miss it!
From the party, we will continue straight to Poikkarit at Club Escape. 🥳
Registration opens at 26.1. at 12:00 and ends at 31.1. at 18:00, and takes place via When registering, you will pay both tickets at once, yours and your friend’s. At the same time, remember to write your sitz friend’s name in the field reserved for it! The tickets also include an extension ticket to Poikkarit.🐵
(Tickets will be used when entering to Poikkarit, so do not use the ticket at the Aalto hall entrance!)
REGISTRATION: on Kide.App #pörssinmatchmadeinheaven
WHAT: Friend-sitz + Poikkarit
WHERE: Aaltosali
WHEN: 2.2. at 18:00
WHAT IT COSTS: €38 (includes tickets for two people for sitz, i.e. 2 shots and 2 mild per person and two live Poikkari tickets)
DRESSCODE: Match made in heaven and NO OVERALLS