


18:00 - 22:00

Sundeck Sitz-party

Spring is starting to arrive in Jyväskylä. The sun is shining again and the terraces are opening up. This can only mean one thing – it’s time to put on your overalls and head towards the Escape terrace, because the Sundeck -sitz are here again! 😍
These traditional May Day -sitz are organized in cooperation between Pörssi and Dumppi on Tuesday 25.4. on the Escape terrace. So come and enjoy the fresh spring air, delicious grilled food, and of course May Day. 🎉
WHAT: Pörssi’s and Dumppi’s traditional Sundeck -sitz
WHERE: On the Club Escape terrace
WHEN: April 25th at 6:00pm. Doors open at 5:30pm
WHAT TO WEAR: Warm terrace clothing and overalls
HOW MUCH: 16€. The ticket includes two mild drinks, two shots, dinner and an overall patch
WHY: Because there is no better way to celebrate May Day than with beloved Dumppi.
ILMO: 5.4. at 12 in Kide.App: Link in Facebook
The event’s equality representative is Leo Salonen (, +358 50 443 3293)