The applications for the Allstars & the Equality Representatives 2024

Attention all Pörssi members! The applications for the positions of the Allstars and the Equality Representatives for 2024 are open during 13.-26.11.2023.

Learn more about the positions and the application process below!

The Allstars:

An essential part of Pörssi’s operations is its committees, known as the Allstars. Their work is invaluable, and without them, the existence of Pörssi’s activities would not be possible. Through the Allstars, you get the opportunity to see Pörssi’s operations from the inside, learn, and develop essential skills for future career positions!

Who can apply?

Any Pörssi member! Applying and working in these positions does not require previous experience. As long as you have enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, you’re on the right track! Note that the position lasts for one calendar year and requires physical presence in Jyväskylä.

What can you apply for?

The diversity of Pörssi’s activities is reflected in the wide range of positions available. You can learn more about the Allstars of 2023 and the available positions here. Below, you will find detailed descriptions of all the committees and positions open for application. If you are interested in multiple positions, feel free to apply for more than one.

P.S. In addition to the Allstars application, there is also an ongoing recruitment for the position of project manager for Kauppakadun Appro and for the director of Speksi. Read more about the recruitment here! In early 2024, there will be recruitment for club and team members of Pörssi.



If you’re even slightly interested, come to the “Ask the Committee” evening on November 23rd at 18:00 at Cafe Europa! There you can inquire more about the different positions.


How to apply?

1. Send your CV and a free-form application to by Sunday, November 26th, at 23:59, with the subject “Allstars 2024 application + the committee/committees you are applying to” (e.g., Allstars 2024 application for the event committee and Kopo committee). In your application, mention the positions you are interested in and why you would be suitable for these roles. (CV:s and application letters won’t be public to other members.)

2. The applicants will be selected for interviews based on their applications. These selected applicants will be interviewed during weeks 48 and 49. Interviews will primarily be conducted in person, but remote options can be arranged if necessary.

3. After the interviews, the current and new board will decide the final composition of the new Allstars based on the applications and interviews.

4. Board members will inform all applicants by phone by December 8th whether they have been selected or not.

5. Selected individuals will be trained for their roles before the new year.

6. The official term for the Allstars begins on January 1, 2024.


Available positions:

Pörssi’s committees include the following:

Event Committee (6 members)

Well-being Committee (4 members)

Educational Advocacy Committee (6 members)

Celebration Committee (4 members)

Media Committee (9 members)

Corporate Relations Committee (4 members)


Each committee has specific responsibilities and tasks related to Pörssi’s diverse activities and initiatives.


The Equality Representatives:

Pörssi has been striving to improve equality within the organization year by year. Our next initiative in this regard is the recruitment of two Equality Representatives from our own members. The intention is to have two board members and two members-at-large handling equality issues within Pörssi in the future.

Who can apply?

Any Pörssi member! Applying for and working in these positions does not require previous experience. As long as you have enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, you’re on the right track! Please note that the position lasts for one calendar year and requires physical presence in Jyväskylä.

What would you do?

The tasks of the Equality Representatives would include being present at events and being available if harassment reports arise. Your task would also involve resolving these situations, with the assistance of two representatives from the board. Your role would be highly important in advancing equality in the opertaions and events of Pörssi.

How to apply:

1. Send your CV and a free-form application via email to by Sunday, November 26th, at 23:59, with the subject “Equality Representative Application 2024.”

2. The applicants will be selected for interviews based on their applications. These shortlisted applicants will be interviewed during weeks 48 and 49. Interviews will be conducted primarily in person, but if necessary, remote options can be arranged.

3. After the interviews, the current and new board will ultimately decide the new Equality Representatives based on applications and interviews.

4. Board members will inform all applicants by phone by December 8th whether they have been selected or not.

5. Selected individuals will be trained for their roles before the new year.

6. Official term for the Equality Representatives begins on January 1, 2024