Annual Ball
Time till annual ball
What’s happening?
We are gathering around to celebrate the highlight of the year, Pörssi ry’s 56th annual ball on November 1st, 2024, in Restaurant 3 at Paviljonki.
The annual ball consists of a cocktail event, an evening party, an after party and a morning after breakfast, also known as Sillis. At the cocktail event, the invited guests present their greetings to the sitting board of Pörssi ry. The evening party mainly consists of speeches and greetings, singing, a three-course meal, and presentation of awards to the most commendable members of Pörssi ry. At the end of the evening party, we get into the ball atmosphere and indulge ourselves into dancing to a live band. We continue the evening until the wee hours of the morning at Ilokivi Venue, where there is a bus ride from the evening party. The next morning, we head out to the morning after breakfast, or Sillis, as it is familiarly known.
To whom?
The annual party and “Sillis” are aimed at students in the second year and older, as well as 2024 master’s freshmen. First-year students can, however, participate in the in the Annual Ball atmosphere of the annual celebration in the various events of the anniversary week, as well as through the Annual Ball staff, which is recruited in September. You can find more information about the anniversary party and registration on the Telegram Pörssi ry Telegram channel and on the @porssinvuosijuhlat Instagram account.
Schedule of the Annual Ball November 1st
15:00 Cocktail event for the invited guests
17:15 Doors open to the at Restaurant 3 in Paviljonki
18:00 The evening party starts at Restaurant 3 in Paviljonki
00:00 Bus rides to the after party begin
03:30 Last call
Register for the annual party in on September 23, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Detailed instructions for ticket sales can be found on the @porssinvuosijuhlat Instagram account, and the link to register will be published on the Pörssi ry Telegram channel. The membership of Pörssi ry is checked for each registered member.
Schedule of the Morning After Breakfast November 2nd
“Sillis” in location X
12:00 Busses leave from Matkakeskus to sillis
18:00 Busses leave from sillis back to Matkakeskus
Schedule of the Annual Ball week
Important part of the Annual Ball are the activities of the Annual Ball week, which are held daily in the week. Here is the schedule of the Annual Ball week of 2024:
Monday October 21st: The Dance and Etiquette Evening at Vanha Juhlasali at 17.00-19.00
Monday October 28th: Cake and Champange at Selkkari at 11-14,
Pörssi’s Annual Ball Sitz party
Tuesday October 29th: Annual Ball Week Sport: Twerk-dance🕺🏼
Wednesday October 30th: 💛VUJUEXCU 2024💛
Thursday October 31st: Annual Ball Brunch🥂
Friday November 1st: The Annual Ball
Saturday November 2nd: VUJUSILLIS
Friday November 1st:
The Annual Ball at Restaurant 3 in Paviljonki at 18:00
This is the day everyone has been waiting for. The anniversary party is here, so put on your tailcoats and evening dresses and head to the most valuable party of our student union at Restaurant 3 in Paviljonki.
Saturday November 2nd:
The Morning After Breakfast “Sillis” at location X
A legendary morning after breakfast “sillis” ends the great annual ball week!
Annual Ball Committee 2024

Milja Rantala
Project Coordinator / Chairperson of the Annual Ball Committee – +358 453176763

Helena Halkosaari

Hanna Krootila

Henrietta Nykänen

Juho Moksi
Inquiries about the annual ball:
Milja Rantala, Project Coordinator
+358 45 317 6763