Pörssi ry
Pörssi ry is a student union for students in Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics. Everybody studying in JSBE can become a member of Pörssi and, therefore, we have members from many different majors such as leadership, corporate communication, accounting, marketing, economics, and international master’s programmes. At the moment there’s over 2000 members in Pörssi.
Good since 1968
Pörssi ry was established 8.2.1968, and it has been developing and growing ever since. This growth wouldn’t have been possible without our active and eager members. In addition, we have had our logo (Pörssi bag) since the very beginning.
Our mother organization is Suomen Ekonomit, and you’ll automatically become a member of it when joining to Pörssi. Our Pörssi membership costs only 40€ for your whole studying time in our University. The membership for Suomen Ekonomit is free.
The main idea behind Pörssi is to advocate students’ rights. By being one of the biggest student unions of University of Jyväskylä, we offer a lot of benefits (both, studying and free-time related) for our members. We would also like to have exchange students participating in our activities.
We organize work life and career development related events. In addition, parties and excursions have been very popular – these sell out very quickly. Pörssi also organizes sports activities and they have become a major part of our operations. We have our own standard shifts for futsal and floorball. Last but not least, we have different clubs and divisions, where you can participate in our activities.
During autumn 1967, the first 70 economics students arrived to the University of Jyväskylä. At the time our campus was combined together with educational and social sciences. The economics students formed a great team spirit from the very beginning, and they soon noticed that they would need a more structured way to handle the activities.
The first meeting was held at Ilokivi on 8.2.1968, and there were about 50 people participating. In this meeting they established the union and chose the board members. Naturally, there was also the first president of Pörssi ry – Tapani Nummi. The establishment notification, signed by Nummi, can be still seen in Pörssi’s premises in Selkkari.
After establishment the union didn’t have a name but on 7.3.1968 this changed when the union got its official name and rules. Soon after establishment there was a competition about the union’s logo. The competition was won by Anja Pirskanen. She drew Pörssi bag which is full of joy of doing and great team spirit, even till this day. In addition, Pörssi introduced its activities in Jylkkäri – stating that it’s the best and most active student union, offering its members “thousandandone” benefits. These words have become legendary and can still be heard in Pörssi’s operations.
During the decades, Pörssi’s operations have been very diverse. The operations have included a lot of fun, educational policy related things, co-operation with companies, business actions, excursions, and so much more. The leading spirit of Pörssi has been, from the very first days, the principle of continuous development. During the years of operating, our union has been striving to affect its own operating conditions – without forgetting humour and a relaxed attitude.