
Student exchange and internationalization at home – what are those?

Student exchange in a nutshell: Student does some part of their degree abroad. Our University has different programmes which make exchange periods easy for students.

JSBE’s exchange programme:

  • Erasmus+ for doing your exchange inside EU
  • Nordplus for doing your exchange in the Nordic (and Baltic) countries
  • FIRST+ for going to Russia
  • ISEP programme
  • Bilateral exchange
  • JSBE’s own contracts to Korea and Canada

You can apply via University’s Mobility Online Portal, and there will be instructions closer to the application periods. Pörssi will organize an event (before the deadline closes) for everybody that are interested in doing an exchange period abroad. There will be older students talking about their exchange periods, and in addition there’s going to be University staff to answer your questions.

You can find more info from the University’s web pages

Internationalization at home

Internationalization at home means getting international experiences without leaving your own campus. It’s an important form of internationalization because you can develop your international skills while studying in Jyväskylä. This can mean, for example, organizing events, being a tutor, getting to know exchange students, studying languages, and getting to know foreign cultures. 

If you’re not able to have an exchange period abroad, this is a great opportunity for you. There are about 1000 international students in our University, so there’s plenty of opportunities for internationalization at home. 

One of the greatest ways is being an international tutor! We have hundreds of international exchange and degree students that are starting their studies in Jyväskylä every year. Tutoring is a wonderful opportunity to get international experience and to get to know different people. At the same time you’re doing a good deed by helping new students to adapt living in a new country, city, and study environment. There are two application rounds per year for international tutors. Usually  you can apply for spring semester tutoring in October, and for the autumng period in February/March.

Please find more information on international tutoring via JYY’s web pages. We also recommend you to follow Pörssi’s communication channels during the application periods.