
Responsibility in Pörssi

Sustainable Development of Pörssi ry

Pörssi ry has committed to follow its own strategy of sustainable development in all of its operations, events, and premises. We work actively on innovating better solutions to decreasing waste and using more recycled products in our events. We also encourage to recycle with our own example. In our premises in Selkkari, we have invested in waste sorting and nowadays there are different spots for bio waste, metal, glass, and plastic. We find it important that our partners also share the same green values as we do.


Strategy of Sustainable Development

The three main points of this strategy were created in 2019, and they have been accepted by our board members. Pörssi commits to keep developing its strategy of sustainable development in the future.

Pörssi ry in action:

Pörssi ry agrees to develop sustainability on ecological, ethical, and financial areas.

  1. Our actions are environmentally friendly, and we consider sustainability in our daily actions. At the same time, we make it easier to our members to choose more sustainable options.
  2. In addition to our own operations, we inspire and encourage our members and other students, partners, and influencers to act sustainably.
  3. As a forerunner we are constantly renewing our ways of operations towards a more sustainable Pörssi. With co-operations we are more effective. We seek to form partnerships with such companies that operate sustainably.

Pörssi ry has agreed to follow its own strategy of sustainable development in all of its operations, events, and premises (Selkkari).