Our Stakeholders enable even more diverse activities for our members.

In the term of 2021-22, P&D is the largest representative group of JYY’s Council of Representatives with 12 seats! We aren’t politically aligned with any party and we’re part of the Järjestöjen Ääni alliance along with Alvarin Unioni (AU) and Luonnontieteilijät (LuoTi). In previous years, two group leaders were in charge of our group, but along with the changes in 2020, a chosen board will be in charge of our operations.
As a group of representatives, we are promoting issues concerning students and student organizations within JYU – we want to make students’ voices heard both in the student union and at the university. This is why it’s extremely important that we could hear your thoughts and ideas regarding student life. You can get involved in P&D and the Student Union, even if you are not currently in an elected position.
Group leaders: Hilma Hintikka (044 2729257) & Violan Halmetoja (050 5672691)
Chair of the Board: Aku Buckbee(050 4946 949)
Follow our actions in social media by clicking the icons below:

The purpose of JSBE säätiö
The foundation was established in 2018 to support the students of JSBE, the university and Pörssi ry. JSBE foundation offers grants and scholarships for students and teacher to promote high-quality education and learning. The foundation was established in 2018 with funds from a memorial fund of Onni Sairanen and a donation from Pörssi ry.
What grants do they give to students? When?
The foundation provides grants for students as Pro Gradu-grant and Huippugradu-award. The application period for Pro Gradu -grant begins always in September-October, and more detailed information can be found via the foundation’s web pages. For getting the Huippugradu-award, the student doesn’t have to take any actions – your work is considered when you turn in your thesis to JSBE. The Huippugradu-awards are handed out in the beginning of the first (autumn) period.
Find more info about JSBE Säätiö here (only in Finnish).

NESU – Nordiska Ekonomie Studerandes Union
Do you want to get new friends, awesome activities, great contacts for the future, and various sitz parties in Finland and in other Northern Countries?
NESU offers you all of this! NESU offers its members an efficient way to get to know Nordic business life and to create a network of contacts between Nordic business students. This network can, in addition to it being a network of friends, be very useful and important in the future work life.
Nordiska Ekonomie Studerandes Union (NESU) was founded in the 1950`s to enhance inter-Nordic co-operation between student unions of business schools in the Nordic countries. It’s a non-political non-profit organization aimed for university level business students in the Nordic countries. NESU does not carry membership fees. Currently NESU is active in Finland, Iceland, Denmark, and Estonia.
There are 13 NESU organizations operating in 11 different cities around Finland. NESU-Jyväskylä ry, including members of Pörssi ry and Dumppi ry, was established in 2013.
The most visible part of NESU activities is sitz parties. These academical dinner parties are quite laid-back and very eventful. Other NESU events in Finland are NESU-Dagen organized in January, Wappurundi with traveling through different cities in April and the Summer Cottage party organized in August.
There are also NESU seminars twice a year that gather up economics students around Nordic countries in the same place for a whole week. These highlights of the year include company cases and versatile evening activities.
How to get involved?
Join NESU-Jyväskylä ry for free. Sitz registering happens always through a form attached to the invite. By signing up to our email list you’ll get the most up-to-date information about sitz parties. You can also find NESU-Jyväskylä ry in social media. If you have any questions on our operations, events or other things, please contact our board. Welcome!

JES – Jyväskylä Entrepreneurship Society
JES or Jyväskylä Entrepreneurship Society is a student-oriented interdisciplinary community that promotes entrepreneurship and provides a platform for comprehensive self-development.
We organize dozens of inspiring events every year, such as speaker events, entrepreneurship programs, excursions and brunches. At our events, you can learn about yourself and entrepreneurship accompanied by different performers, from Arman Alizad to Hjallis Harkimo and Sointu Borg.
Getting to know new people is the most important part of our events, and it’s especially easy with good food and drinks. The threshold for participating in our events is low, because our events are completely free and everyone is welcome, regardless of background – with a group of friends or alone!
So if interdisciplinary and free food interests you, check out our website and participate in our events!
Become a JES member: