Suomen ekonomit
What is Suomen Ekonomit?
Suomen Ekonomit is a central benefit organization for graduates and students in economics and business administration. Ekonomit serves its members at every turn trough their chosen careers and acts as an advocate for Business School graduates and students in working life, society, and education. Ekonomit offers tremendous benefits, events, and services for its members, that allow its members to develop themselves and unleash their potential.
If you are a member of Pörssi you are also automatically a member of Ekonomit. You get to be part of a community of more than 50,000 business students and graduates in Finland. Student membership of Ekonomit is free.
You can find more information about Suomen Ekonomit by clicking on the icons below.

What is a Kylli?
My name is Aku Buckbee, and I work as a student liaison at JSBE.
Student liaison, or Kylli, is a link between business and economics students and Suomen Ekonomit. Above all, Suomen Ekonomit activities emphasize diversity, from education policy and lobbying to leisure activities. If you have any questions about your membership, don’t hesitate to contact me! You can easily reach me via email or social media channels, but I’m happy to talk about membership issues face to face as well!
I update current news from Suomen Ekonomit via Facebook, Instagram, the website and my Kyllin Hyvää column in our subject organizations (Pörssi) magazine. Follow my IG and Facebook pages to stay up to date on current events.
Feel free to ask me any questions at events or at our campus!
Aku Buckbee
What benefits do members of Suomen Ekonomit get?
You become a member of Suomen Ekonomit when joining Pörssi. Pörssi’s membership fee is 40€ but the membership for Suomen Ekonomit is free.
- Online job search coaching for students
- Legal advice for making an employment contract, for example
- Networking opportunities in Finland and abroad
- Services for current and aspiring entrepreneurs
- Opportunity to join the KOKO unemployment fund during your studies
- Job listings in our LinkedIn group
- New wage recommendations for summer jobs based on the latest data
- Collective agreements which we negotiate for our members and which yield a significant portion of our members’ pay raises
- The legendary Kylteripäivät (KYPÄ)
- Local events organised by your local Kylli
- An extensive webinar archive
- Kauppalehti digi
- Benefits on banking services and insurances
- Other travel, leisure and wellness discounts
If you are not yet a member of Pörssi or you do not have a Finnish Economics student membership, please join here.
You can take your student membership to the next level by purchasing the KylteriPlus package, which provides you with a set of additional benefits for only €25/year. What is included in the Kylteriplus package? More about KylteriPlus can be found here.
- Personal career coaching for students
- Kauppalehti VIP subscription:
- Kauppalehti digi
- Kauppalehti printed
- Optio magazine on business and the economy
- Fakta magazine on management
- Talouselämä Digi
- Liability and legal expenses insurance
- Cool, exclusive Kylteri(Plus) overall badge
- Access to events that are not available for standard student members
Discount for the recently graduated
The membership of the graduates covers the same benefits and services as a KylteriPlus member, and in addition you also have access to banking and insurance benefits! When you join Suomen Ekonomit as a full member within six months of graduating, you will receive a 60% discount on your membership fee for the next 24 months from the time you join. If you join 6-12 months after you graduate, you will receive a 60% discount for 12 months.
To receive the discount, it is not necessary to submit a certificate of the date of graduation. If necessary, we check graduation information from the university.
Read more about the benefits and services of the recently graduated members here.
Keski-Suomen Ekonomit
Keski-Suomen Ekonomit ry is a local association of Finnish business and economics graduates in Jyväskylä. The association offers opportunities for professional development in the form of company visits and training events, and a way to expand your personal network. Read more about Keski-Suomen Ekonomit here (only in finnish).