
Our many different operators enable our wide variety of events

Different divisions, teams, Allstars and active members are very important to us when organising activities. They make it possible to offer a wider range of activities with higher quality. With being involved in divisions or trustee positions, you’ll get more opportunities to get even more deeply involved in our actions. In addition, you’ll have an amazing opportunity to learn new things during the year.

Even if you wouldn’t have a position in our divisions or as an Allstar, you can still actively participate in our operations. We will keep you informed of different kinds of trustee positions, meetings, positions opening up, and one-time positions in Facebook in Henkilöstöpörssi-group. Come and join the group – we’re always in the need for some extra hands.

Pörssi Allstars 2025

Pörssi’s Allstars include our financial advisor, leaders of the investment club, and people from different divisions. Pörssi’s Allstars are chosen once a year and the application period begins typically at the end of the year. This way the new Allstars are starting at the beginning of a year, and work for a whole calendar year in our association.

Division of Educational Politics

It is our responsibility to take care of our different students’ rights e.g., the quality of teaching. The Division of Educational Politics consists of six subject representatives and our Head of education Politics (also known as “kopo”). These student representatives participate in different meetings to make sure that students’ voices are also heard in decision making. This division informs other students about any new decisions affecting them. In addition to this, subject representatives also organize activities for students in their own subject, such as excursions and events related to education policy.

The “Kopo” Division is an advocacy gatekeeper that works to create stability and bring student voice to JSBE’s decision-making. You can contact the “Kopo” division by e-mail kopo@porssiry.fi.

Eetu Savonvirta

Eetu Savonvirta


Viivi Ala-Honkola

Viivi Ala-Honkola


Leevi Leijon

Leevi Leijon

Corporate communication

Roosa Mustaparta

Roosa Mustaparta


Iiris Lång

Iiris Lång

Leadership & management

Leo Salonen

Leo Salonen

International Master’s Programs

Division of Corporate Relations

This division helps our Corporate Relationship Managers. In another words, they make contracts for Pörssi’s traditional Rinnerieha and Annual Ball, take care of the overall ads, and make sure that our members get great benefits with Sininen Pörssi. Being in part of this division helps creating contacts with different companies, and also gives you valuable work experience while studying. You can contact us at yrityssuhdejaosto@porssiry.fi.

Henri Brandt

Henri Brandt

Joonas Järvenpää

Joonas Järvenpää

Lassi Ruuskanen

Lassi Ruuskanen

Anton Tarvainen

Anton Tarvainen

Event Division

Event Division helps our Event Coordinators with planning and organizing Pörssi’s events. Their responsibilities especially include arranging sitz parties and ticket sales. Also, they are responsible of planning and organising The Amazing Fuksi Race and Fuksiaiset. The members of this division have a great chance to get creative as they can develop existing events and create totally new ones. You can contact us at tapahtumajaosto@porssiry.fi.

Vilma Hietakangas

Vilma Hietakangas

Viola Hietamäki

Viola Hietamäki

Ella Kandelin

Ella Kandelin

Kristo Keidas

Kristo Keidas

Helmi Lehtonen

Helmi Lehtonen

Miro Sahramaa

Miro Sahramaa

Division of Social Politics

This division helps our Head of Social Affairs (also known as “sopo”) with offering great experiences on wellbeing, sports, internationalization, and environmental operations. Their routine-like tasks involve planning and organizing the weekly sports shifts, so they need to take care of booking places, the quality of equipment, and informing other students about the shifts. In addition, this division arranges different kind of events on a weekly basis about wellbeing, internationalization, and environment. They also arrange opportunities to try out new sports, and plan sports excursions and wellbeing events together with our sopo. You can contact us at sopojaosto@porssiry.fi.

Piitu Natunen

Piitu Natunen

International Affairs international@porssiry.fi

Ella Yrjölä

Ella Yrjölä

Well-being and Environment

Aappi Alhainen

Aappi Alhainen


Miska Petander

Miska Petander


Media Division

Media Division helps our Editor in Chief and the Head of Communications. This division involves a great variety of tasks, such as, photographing, making graphics and banners, and creating content to Pörssi’s social media and blog. If you have any questions, please contact us (see our emails below).

Meri Lehtonen

Meri Lehtonen

Content Creator sisallontuottaja@porssiry.fi

Emma Manninen

Emma Manninen

Content Creator sisallontuottaja@porssiry.fi

Pipsa Pesola

Pipsa Pesola

Content Creator sisallontuottaja@porssiry.fi

Laura Konnu

Laura Konnu

Webmaster www@porssiry.fi

Sanni Suortamo

Sanni Suortamo

Graphic Designer graafikko@porssiry.fi

Sini Tuomainen

Sini Tuomainen

Graphic Designer graafikko@porssiry.fi

Iiris Mikkonen

Iiris Mikkonen

Photographer valokuvaaja@porssiry.fi

Inkeri Pajunen

Inkeri Pajunen

Photographer valokuvaaja@porssiry.fi

Project Division

The Project Division actively assists the Project Coordinator in the planning, organization and actualization of Pörssi’s traditional rinnrieha and the Annual Ball. The Project Division helps the Project Coordinator from the beginning of project planning all the way to their implementation. Project-specific areas of responsibility are divided within the division, and division members get to develop current ones as well as ideate and create new concepts for both projects. The Project Division combines the Rinnerieha team and the Annual Ball Committee, which operated in 2022. You can contact the Project Division at rinnerieha@porssiry.fi or vuosijuhlat@porssiry.fi 

Anna Hyvärinen

Anna Hyvärinen

Ida Lindström

Ida Lindström

Anu Peränikara

Anu Peränikara

Sanni Seppä

Sanni Seppä

Teams and clubs 2025

In addition to Allstars, there are also teams and clubs that are highly involved in Pörssi’s operations. Teams and clubs operate more independently but their get support from our board. You can apply to different teams every spring. Do you feel like you have a new club idea for Pörssi? Please contact our board!

Poikkari team

The Poikkari tem is responsible for organizing the Interdisciplinary overall Party. This includes event marketing, planning and organizing Poikkarit-pre-parties, as well as the main event itself. The Poikkaritiimi consists of four members. You can contact the Poikkaritiimi via email at poikkitieteellisethaalaribileet@porssiry.fi.

Marlo Heinsalmi

Marlo Heinsalmi

Luka Mansikka

Luka Mansikka

Ida Määttä

Ida Määttä

Oliver Tilli

Oliver Tilli

Kauppakadun Appro project team

You can contact the Kappro team via email info@kauppakadunappro.com. More information from kauppakadun appro’s websites.

Aleksandra Gukkina

Aleksandra Gukkina

Project manager projektipaallikko@kauppakadunappro.com

Matleena Ranki

Matleena Ranki

HR and Customer Relations info@kauppakadunappro.com

Jaakko Vierola

Jaakko Vierola

Marketing Coordinator markkinointi@kauppakadunappro.com

Tuomas Saarivainio

Tuomas Saarivainio

Restaurant Coordinator ravintola@kauppakadunappro.com

Lisa Elonen

Lisa Elonen

Corporate Relations Coordinator yritys@kauppakadunappro.com

Jesperi Moisala

Jesperi Moisala

Program Coordinator ohjelma@kauppakadunappro.com

Firmamessut team

This team is responsible for career and recruitment fair, Firmamessut, arranged in January 2025. It is their responsibility to organize the whole event. Their tasks can include, for example, planning practicalities, execution, contacting companies, selling fair spots, marketing, and budgeting. You can contact us at firmamessut@porssiry.fi.

Anni-Kaisla Kanninen

Anni-Kaisla Kanninen

Riina Virtanen

Riina Virtanen

Ida Määttä

Ida Määttä

Henrik Laitinen

Henrik Laitinen

JSBE’s social media team

The Social Media Team is responsible for making our school visible to potential future students, especially through Instagram. They produce up to date information and share information on different topics in social media. You can see and hear this team in social media, Instagram (Jyu_jsbe) and Facebook (JSBE Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu).

Linnea Avelin

Linnea Avelin

Tuomas Laurila

Tuomas Laurila

Anni Parviainen

Anni Parviainen

Pörssi’s marketing team

This team is open for all of our fellow Pörssi members. This team is responsible on creating ideas and creating contect for Pörssi’s different channels. Pörssikurssi (our magazine), blog ideas and social media planning, campaign execution, and marketing projects are also on their continual to-do list. The members can also participate in marketing related trainings and workshops. You can hear more from our meetings and projects by joining our Facebook group.

Faculty Counsil

The Faculty Council consists of 3 student members and their deputies. In addition to students, the Faculty Council consists of professors and other members of the teaching and research staff. The Faculty Council directs the faculty operations in many ways. Its tasks include, for example, directing the faculty’s finances, developing education and approving the curriculum. The Faculty Council exercises the highest decision-making power in the faculty.

Afaf Alam

Afaf Alam

Eemeli Takanen

Eemeli Takanen

Hanna-Leena Yletyinen

Hanna-Leena Yletyinen


If you’re interested in investing, getting wealthy or spending time with similar people, this club is the right one for you! It doesn’t matter whether you’re a shark with a huge portfolio or a student interested in investing because we have many interesting topics for everybody. You can contact us at sijoituskerho@porssiry.fi.

Investment club is co-operating together with Inderes.

Hilla Pudas

Hilla Pudas

Perttu Salmi

Perttu Salmi

Joel Pajula

Joel Pajula

Jaani Aronurmi

Jaani Aronurmi


This club was founded in 2011, and in 2019 it got its new viral name – PörSki! It’s their mission to develop our members’ skiing and after ski -cultures by arranging different skiing-related events. We welcome everybody to join us, no matter whether you’re using skis, snowboard, or a plastic sledge. The most important this is relaxed attitude and having fun.

The baseline for our club is to serve our members so we’re eager to hear about new ideas. Read more info here, talk with our team members, or mail us at porski@porssiry.fi.

Eerika Salomäki

Eerika Salomäki

Tuomas Viljanen

Tuomas Viljanen

Saara Repo

Saara Repo

Hannes Nieminen

Hannes Nieminen

Julius Lund

Julius Lund

Miro Mäntynen

Miro Mäntynen

Sirkku Nupponen

Sirkku Nupponen


PörSail was established in 2020. Our purpose is to share more knowledge about sailing to Pörssi’s members by creating different events and trips. We’re planning sailing courses, and trips to near (our own lake) and far (Mediterranean). All Pörssi’s members are welcome to join our club, and you don’t need previous experience about sailing. Find more info: Facebook @Pörsail, Instagram @porsailclub

Lisätietoa: porsail@porssiry.fi, Facebook @Pörsail ja Instagram @porsailclub

Elias Möttönen

Elias Möttönen

Jenna Väisänen

Jenna Väisänen

Sara Happonen

Sara Happonen

Laura Auna

Laura Auna

Samuli Kalavainen

Samuli Kalavainen

Daniela Wärnhjelm

Daniela Wärnhjelm

Sanni Korppi

Sanni Korppi

Pörssin Alarauta

This is a disc golf club, established in 2020. More information about the club’s activities can be found in the Instagram @porssinalarauta and Telegram group. Link can be found from Instagram. Feel free to contact us via direct message at Instagram or via email at par@porssiry.fi.

Juho Kovanen

Juho Kovanen

Eeti Viheroja

Eeti Viheroja

Viljami Laakkonen

Viljami Laakkonen

Akseli Mecklin

Akseli Mecklin

Pörssin Golfseura

The goal of Pörssin Golfseura is to bring all Pörssi’s members interested in golf together and organize high-quality golf-themed events for them. We organize for example Green Card courses, different kinds of competitions, various chill events and excursions.

All members of Pörssi are welcome to participate, regardless of skill level! Just join the Facebook and Telegram groups and follow @porssingolfseura on Instagram. The link to the Telegram group can be found in the Facebook group. You can contact us with email golfseura@porssiry.fi.

Roni Pitkonen

Roni Pitkonen

Veera Aalto

Veera Aalto

Joonas Hätönen

Joonas Hätönen

Viljami Kjellberg

Viljami Kjellberg

Tinja Huikuri

Tinja Huikuri

Henrietta Nykänen

Henrietta Nykänen

Aaro Puska

Aaro Puska

Robert Grönlund

Robert Grönlund