Analyst Trainee, Valuation and Modelling, Helsinki–B2O-KySgYWsZO1Q

Do you have a genuine interest to M&A transactions and a business mindset? Our Valuation and Modelling team is looking for ambitious graduates or soon-to-be graduates to join their team in Helsinki. As an Analyst Trainee you get the chance to participate in various client engagements related to e.g., valuations of diverse businesses and individual assets for various purposes and developing financial models for our clients’ needs. Read more and apply now or 22.9.2024 by the latest!



Corporate Finance Analyst Intern, Helsinki–B2O-KySgYWsZO1Q

We are currently looking for ambitious graduates or soon-to-be-graduates to join our growing Nordic Corporate Finance team in Helsinki as an Analyst Intern for 2025. As an analyst intern, you’ll get the chance to work together with experienced professionals on sell-side and buy-side M&A transactions, as well as Capital Market and Fundraising transactions. If you are interested in financial services industry and transactions and you have an analytical, result- and detail-oriented mindset read more and apply now! The application period is ongoing and will remain open until 15.9.2024.



EY-Parthenon, Trainees for Strategy Consulting, Helsinki–B2O-KySgYWsZO1Q

Would you be eager to get a realistic view on strategy consulting as a career and understanding of the tools and methods used to solve strategic challenges? Our Helsinki office is now looking for ambitious graduates or soon-to-be graduates to join our EY-P team as Trainees during Spring or Fall 2025. As an EY-P trainee you will be offered an opportunity to help our clients with their strategic challenges in relation to growth, transactions, sustainability, and technology. Apply now or by the latest 15.9.2024!



Financial Services -tilintarkastuksen harjoittelijoita–B2O-KySgYWsZO1Q

Kiinnostaako sinua uudet mahdollisuudet tilintarkastajana ja kehittyminen finanssisektorin asiantuntijaksi? EY hakee nyt Financial Services -tilintarkastuksen tiimiinsä motivoituneita harjoittelijoita aloittamaan joulukuussa 2024. Jos olet oma-aloitteinen tiimipelaaja, lue lisää ja hae viimeistään 22.9.2024!


Legal Trainees, Helsinki–B2O-KySgYWsZO1Q

Are you pursuing an academic degree in law and would like to have great opportunity to work with talented legal professionals from all over the world? EY’s Law team is looking for legal trainees in Helsinki! If you have deep interest in business law and motivation to develop as a legal professional, apply now or 20.9.2024 by the latest!


Process Excellence Trainee, Helsinki–B2O-KySgYWsZO1Q

EY’s Process Excellence team is looking for trainees in Helsinki! As a Trainee, you will support our team in understanding the challenges our clients face and collaborate with their finance teams to optimize their financial, and non-financial processes and reporting. The Process Excellence team works with projects ranging from financial transformations to IPOs, and with a wide range of clients across industries. If you have a proactive, analytical mindset and interest in complex problem solving apply now or 22.9.2024 by the latest!


Tax Trainee | EY Helsinki–B2O-KySgYWsZO1Q

Oletko kiinnostunut veroasiantuntijan työstä, globaalista työympäristöstä ja mielenkiintoisista tehtävistä kokeneiden osaajien tuella? Haemme EY:lle tiimiemme kasvaessa lisää motivoituneita harjoittelijoita eri verotuksen tiimeihimme – katso lisää ja hae nyt tai viimeistään 22.9.2024!